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We are pleased to congratulate Steven Gould who has been awarded an MBE in the Kings Birthday Honours list 2024 in recognition of his services to consumers - most recently as a lay council member of the General Chiropractic Council.

Steven, who lives in Twickenham, has been given the honour in recognition of a lifetime of protecting consumers. Prior to joining the General Chiropractic Council he had previously worked in Whitehall; for the Consumer's Association: Which?; and he led the regulatory function of RICS – the world’s leading built environment professional body – for 14 years.

After retiring from full-time work in 2014, Steven joined the GCC as a lay Council member in 2016. In 2017 he was appointed as Chair of the Renumeration and Human Resources Committee, responsible for the people strategy and key internal policies of the GCC, and playing a key role in ensuring the GCC adapted to the needs of working remotely during the pandemic. His second term ended on 31 May 2024.

Steven is a Trustee of the Friends of the National Archive; and previously served as a Trustee of the Microgeneration Certification Scheme. His previous non-executive roles include a ministerial appointment to the Better Regulation Commission, directorships with the Telecoms and Energy Ombudsmen, director of Ombudsman Services Ltd, membership of the Civil Aviation Authority’s Consumer Panel and membership of a number of professional conduct panels and advisory committees on governance and conduct.

Nick Jones, Chief Executive and Registrar, said:
I’d like to extend my personal congratulations to Steven for this honour which recognises a long career dedicated to protecting the public.

This honour is well deserved and is a fitting way to mark the end of Steven’s tenure on Council. His deep commitment to the protection of the public – whether a patient or a consumer - has been demonstrated time and again in Council meetings; and the GCC has benefitted enormously from his breadth of experience and ability to apply solutions from other regulated industries.