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The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Quality Standards

Clinicians can improve their quality of patient care and achieve excellence by clearly describing a high-quality, evidence-based service. The Royal College of Chiropractors Quality Standards are evidence-based tools designed to deliver the best possible patient outcomes.

Developed by expert teams and widely consulted on, the Quality Standards provides patients, the public, healthcare professionals, commissioners and chiropractors with clear definitions of high-quality chiropractic care.

Chiropractors are encouraged to adopt the Quality Standards as practice policy and use them as a source for clinic promotion, identifying CPD requirements, or tendering for NHS contracts.

The Standards enable healthcare professionals to understand the standard of service that chiropractors provide and allow commissioners to be confident that they are purchasing services of high quality. 

The Quality Standards also help patients understand what level of service they should expect from a chiropractor.


The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Practice Standards

The Royal College of Chiropractors’ Chiropractic Practice Standards are a series of evidence-based documents designed to help chiropractors meet their obligations in the provision of high quality patient care and/or in ensuring good governance of their services. For each area of practice, they:

  • Highlight relevant elements of the General Chiropractic Council’s Code as requirements
  • Provide expected standards of practice informed by evidence
  • Provide additional helpful guidance, and
  • Provide a benchmark for normal practice


NICE Guidelines

NICE Guidelines are evidence-based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders. A number of these are of direct relevance to chiropractic practise:

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries

NICE Clinical Knowledge Summaries are not guidelines but are brief documents designed to provide primary care practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice. Many are of direct relevance to chiropractic practice.

The Code

The Code outlines the standards of performance, conduct and ethics expected of chiropractors in the UK. Chiropractors must meet these standards to join and remain on our register.

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Guidance and Toolkits

Guidance and toolkits help registrants remain GCC Code-compliant in their professional activities.

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Career Pathways

Discover more about other career options open to chiropractors in addition to clinical practice.

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I’m Registered mark

Exclusive to GCC Registrants, the I'm Registered mark assures your patients of your training and abilities, setting you apart from non-regulated practitioners.

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Fitness to Practise advice for registrants

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Use of ‘Chiropractic’ in a Company Name

Information on how to apply for a Companies House Letter of Authorisation from the GCC.

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Your registration number and the title of Doctor

Guidance on using your GCC registration and the Doctor title.

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Information for New Registrants

Please read through this page to help you understand your obligations and where you can locate information on our website

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